May 2017
Wills team recognised for work during Free Wills Month 2016
Chadwick Lawrence Wills team are delighted to have received recognition for their work during the Free Wills Month initiative in October 2016. Overall, the team raised approximately £52,550 of future income for the charities involved with Free Wills Month.
The certificate from the organisation recognises the monies donated/pledged during that month via Chadwick Lawrence. The Wills were prepared by Angela Thorp and Sue Preece who are experienced members of our team.
The charities affiliated with this scheme, namely Age Cymru, British Heart Foundation, Mind, Royal British Legion, CLIC Sargent, Guide Dogs, Prostate Cancer UK, Age UK, Arthritis Research UK, Stroke association and RNLI promote the scheme whereby clients can have a Will prepared free of charge and they are then given the opportunity with no obligation to either make a donation to one of the charities at that point, or pledge a legacy or share of the residue of their estate.
For advice on making, amending or reviewing your Will contact us on 0800 015 0340 to arrange an appointment at any of our offices in Huddersfield, Halifax, Wakefield, Horbury, Leeds, Pudsey or Morley.
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