Aug 2022
Cyber-attack blamed for recent NHS 111 software outage
It has been confirmed that a software outage affecting the NHS 111 service was caused by a cyber-attack.
Advanced, the firm which provides digital services for NHS 111, said the attack was detected at 07.00 BST on Thursday 4th August.
The attack targeted the system used to refer patients for care, including ambulances being despatched, emergency prescriptions and out-of-hours appointment bookings. The NHS have said disruption was minimal.
The National Crime Agency said it was “aware of a cyber incident” and was working with Advanced.
Simon Short of Advanced, said “A security issue was identified yesterday, which resulted in loss of service.
“We can confirm that the incident is related to a cyber-attack and as a precaution, we immediately isolated all out health and care environments.”
He added that the issue had been contained “to a small number of servers”.
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