The Media Hub
In this week’s MMD, we have a video update from Nils on the new immigration fee increases. Our employment tribunal updates look at two high profile discrimination matters involving racial and sexual harassment.
Finally, we have a guest contribution this week from Zoe Allen in our litigation team.
The Media Hub
In this week’s video, Nils O’Donoghue, a partner in our regulatory team, talks you through the new immigration fee increases.
To watch this video, please click here.
In the News
There have been lots of relevant employment law/HR updates this week.
Irish BBC radio host loses claim that leprechaun remark was racist
David Hedges brought a claim against the BBC, stating that he has been subjected to racist abuse. The claim arose after he posted a picture of an Irish landscape, captioned with a saying in Gaelic. Following the post, Hedges’ colleagues reportedly asked him ‘Is that the call of a leprechaun,’ however Hedges only made an official complaint 18 months later which was subsequently rejected. Hedges then issued tribunal proceedings against the BBC for racial harassment. The judge has dismissed the claim, however first said that even without the late complaint, the case was weak due to the colleague’s comment being light-hearted, and the fact that Hedges originally took the comment as a joke.
Mr D Hedges v British Broadcasting Corporation: 2200291/2023 – GOV.UK (
Hotel boss sexually harassed chef with Victoria Wood song, ‘Barry and Freda’
The Claimant, Mr Nunns, told an employment tribunal in Manchester that the manager had ‘repeatedly attempted to make eye-contact’ and ‘made disconcerting gestures’ towards him when singing the famous song, particularly when singing the words ‘Let’s do it.’ The manager had admitted to singing the song, however disputed that this was any form of sexual harassment as he was only singing it as the Claimant said he had not heard it before. Nunns also told the tribunal that, in the week he began working there, the hotel manager had made inappropriate comments after discovering he had an ex-boyfriend. The tribunal stated that, whilst singing a song in a work environment would not normally amount to unlawful harassment, the performance ‘had the effect of violating the claimant’s dignity and creating a degrading, humiliating and offensive environment for him.’ It was held that the Claimant had in fact been sexually harassed.
Mr S Nunns v SBH Windermere Ltd and Mr A Wilson: 2403944/2022 – GOV.UK (
Focus On – Litigation
This week, Zoe Allen from our Litigation team has prepared an article on the Fixed Costs Regime. Please see below.
Mental Health Awareness Sessions
Through our relationship with Tailored Learning Solutions who provide mental health first aid courses in our business, we are now able to announce that we are running multiple courses, including MHFA England Adult Courses, Supporting Mental Health in the Workplace Course – For Managers (Non Accredited Course), and Understanding Suicide Intervention at our Wakefield office.
There are events taking place at our Wakefield office as follows:
Suicide First Aid – Understanding Suicide Intervention
- 14 August 2023 – 9.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
MHFA England Adult Courses
- 26/27th September 2023 – 2 days, 9.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
- 28/29th November 2023 – 2 days, 9.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Supporting Mental Health in the Workplace Course – For Managers (Non Accredited Course)
- 29th September 2023 – 9.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
The details of these sessions can be found at the Tailored Learning Solutions website:
If you would like further information and details of the cost for these events, please email
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