Jul 2022
People Like You
Our team is a fine blend of experienced leaders, emerging talent and ambitious rookies. Instead of us telling you about what it’s supposed to be like at Chadwick Lawrence, we thought we’d let our people tell you instead.
One of the key parts of working at Chadwick Lawrence (particularly for those starting out in their legal career) is the concept of peer mentoring. There’s no better way to develop than to have someone you can turn to for advice and counsel. No matter the level of seniority, it’s something we truly believe in and it’s something that we want to sit at the centre of our business and your career.
Find out what some of your future colleagues have got to say about life at the heart of Yorkshire’s Legal People.
I started at Chadwick Lawrence fresh out of college in 2005, not really knowing what the future would hold. I soon developed a passion for law and expressed an interest in pursuing a legal career. I was allowed to take part in a part time degree course and subsequently commenced a training contract. Throughout this time I gained invaluable experience and knowledge whilst working alongside senior solicitors and taking an active part on a whole range of legal disputes and issues. After completing my Legal Practice Course, I qualified as a solicitor in 2013 and went on to become partner in 2019. In 14 years I’d gone from leaving college not fully knowing what I wanted to do with my life, to being a partner in a law firm. This speaks volumes of Chadwick Lawrence and what they are all about. If you make the effort and put in the hard work you are rewarded, as simple as that. You are allowed to express yourself without any fixed regime and if you want to succeed, you will.
Jack Oldroyd – Partner in Charge of Employment Litigation
Team member since 2005
Favourite Chad Law moment – I’ve been here that long that I can’t pick out just one! I’d have to say generally being part of a great team, which has changed significantly over time but has maintained its core values throughout.
“I have been with Chadwick Lawrence for over 15 years and the firm has changed so much since I first started. There is a real sense of everyone working as part of a team, everyone is included. No matter what your role is within the firm, it’s an integral part of the business and is really appreciated. This team-work and commitment to the firm, drove us through the uncertainty of the pandemic, with everyone stepping up and doing that bit extra to help, in strange and difficult times.
You can come in and do your daily job and that’s fine and suits many people or you can progress through the company. Through the years, I’ve seen office assistants and trainees progress, some to associate and partner level and I’ve felt genuinely proud for each one of them. I’ve progressed in my role through the years too, fully supported along the way by my line manager and work colleagues. Success, due to working with a great team!”
Jaine England – Reception Manager
Team member since 2007
Favourite Chad Law moment – The firm winning an award at the Examiner Business Awards, going up with everyone to accept it, tripping and nearly falling into Harry Gration’s arms!
“I joined Chadwick Lawrence when I left school in 1994 as the office junior and was soon a secretary in the Probate Team. After working closely with the Solicitors I assisted I became a fee earner in the team and was supported by the firm in my studies. The opportunities I have been given by the partners mean that I have been able to progress my career with a firm that actively encourages home grown talent and clearly believes in supporting people to achieve their goals. In more recent years I have been promoted to associate and have had the pleasure of being involved in projects to take our team to new levels. My years at Chadwick Lawrence have seen me progress through the ranks as the partners believe in nurturing ambition and recognising hard work and dedication, I have quite literally grown up in Chadwick Lawrence and really enjoy being a part of the firm it has become.”
Sue Preece – Associate, Wills & Probate
“I took an unconventional route into the law firm. 16 years old and straight out of high school, I decided to apply for an apprenticeship in the IT team, to my delight I was accepted. Chadwick Lawrence supported me through my qualification whilst allowing me to gain valuable hands-on experience. In December 2016 I was fortunate enough to win my college’s ‘IT apprentice of the year’, an achievement that would have been hard to attain if not for the assistance of my team and the firm!
I have been with the firm for nearly 7 years now, in this time I have witnessed the company grow and adapt despite the unprecedented times, nobody could have predicted the pandemic however the quick turn around and adaption to a predominantly home-based firm without the compromise of the client-based experience was something to be truly proud of. This wasn’t just a fluke though, from an IT perspective, the firm’s planning and forward thinking helped us develop a system that could easily be adapted if the unthinkable was to ever happen. The quick actions of the management team certainly played a vital role in keeping the firm afloat. I am proud to have grown alongside Chadwick Lawrence and call myself a member of the team.”
Tom Leech – Junior IT Systems Developer
“I joined Chadwick Lawrence in May 2011 as a trainee solicitor. From the very start of my career here I was encouraged not only to run my own files from start to finish but think creatively about new areas of law and opportunities that the firm could develop. I am sure this would not have been the case at many other law firms and I have really enjoyed the challenge of not only learning new areas of law that we can develop but putting in place marketing plans. Seeing these marketing plans come to life and new work coming through the door has been extremely rewarding. Creative thinking and looking at new ideas outside of the box is very much encouraged at Chadwick Lawrence. This for me has been one of the many reasons to stay and develop my career with Chadwick Lawrence”
Nils O’Donoghue – Partner, Regulatory and Crime
Team Member since 2011
Favourite Chad Law Moment – Acting for an England International in relation to a high profile anti-doping case.
“I joined Chadwick Lawrence in early 2017 and since my first day I have loved it. There are a multitude of reasons why but the main thing for me is the way I am not viewed as a number. I am an employee who is cared about, like being in a family and has regular contact with the owners of the firm. During my time with the firm, I feel I have continually been allowed to develop and have had major input in numerous areas of the business. There is regular feedback from the Management team on my performance and whether constructive or praising it is all delivered in a positive way. I started and have continued to work over and above expectations and put the extra effort in where it is required, and this has been acknowledged by the wider business on numerous occasions. There have been some significant challenges to deal with during the last few years, as the pandemic hit and hurt hundreds of businesses, but Chadwick Lawrence stayed positive and strong throughout this period and the feeling of being part of a larger family where you are cared for is growing each week. In work it has been important for me to find a happy place and I have that and more at Chadwick Lawrence. Here’s to the next 5 years and onwards.”
Paul Marshall – Finance Manager
“I’ve been with Chadwick Lawrence since 2017 and I have seen the firm go through vast changes especially in our Property Department. I have been given the freedom and guidance to progress my career because of our people. Our team is full of people who share development ambitions which is encouraged throughout the firm. I am passionate about the continuous learning and helping to develop those around me and get an instant gratification. Our teams encourage, support and motivate one another to be the best version of themselves. I am excited to progress my career alongside Chadwick Lawrence.
Ruth Nippers – Associate Solicitor and Team Leader, Home & Property
Favourite Chad Law Moment – helping trainees realise their own potential.
“I have worked at Chadwick Lawrence for over 32 years now, this being my first job on leaving school. Having started as an office assistant, through the support and encouragement of the firm I am now an Associate CIPD qualified HR Manager.
Over the years I have seen a lot of changes but the one thing that hasn’t changed is the firm’s view that it is only as good as the people that work here. They provide support and encouragement for those wishing to develop in their career and also provide a wide range of benefits to support the physical and mental health of its staff.
As I have watched Chadwick Lawrence grow, it has never lost the family team atmosphere, which is one of the reasons I have stayed with the firm for so long. Everyone, no matter what their role, has an important part to play and it really is a case of “team working”.”
Cath Milnes. HR Manager
Favourite Chad Law Moment – Being part of the Chadwick Lawrence Wakefield 10K team a few years ago and completing it!!
“I joined Chadwick Lawrence in 2018, working in Admin, Commercial Property and Personal Injury roles since then. I have enjoyed a significant amount of freedom in all these roles, allowing me to approach my work in my own way and to gain knowledge of the wider legal profession, so I could be confident I was pursuing a branch of the Legal Sector which suited me best. In my current PI role, I have had a great opportunity to undertake training to gain qualifications and tackle varied and challenging work. I learn best by doing the work rather than reading about it, so Chadwick Lawrence has been perfect in this respect as I have been able to progress very quickly in my respective roles. If you are looking to advance a career in the Legal Profession, Chadwick Lawrence is a great place to be”
Elliot Rowley. Trainee Paralegal, Personal Injury
“I first joined Chadwick Lawrence in August of 2000, originally taken on as secretary to the manager of the Clinical Negligence department. After taking a break to bring up my young children, I returned in May 2011 to the same department, this time as a paralegal, looking after court of protection and deputy clients. The many years I’ve worked here I think are testament to my contentment at the firm and the department which I have been a part of for so long. Chadwick Lawrence has gone through so many changes in the years I’ve worked here, but in that time one thing which has remained is my sense of being a valued member of the team.”
Karen Motley. Paralegal, Clinical Negligence
“I have been employed as a Solicitor in the Family Law Team at Chadwick Lawrence since 2006. I have witnessed many changes both within my team and the firm as a whole, including the introduction of the Chadwick Lawrence Way ‘visions and values’ which I feel very much underpins the collaborative and friendly culture of the firm. I have always found it immensely helpful that the firm has experts in such a large number of practice areas, so there is always someone you can pick up the telephone to when needed. I have personally felt supported by the firm throughout my time at Chadwick Lawrence, with opportunities for career progression. Commitment and hard work are always rewarded. The firm recognises the importance of a healthy work/life balance and particularly as a parent of a young child, I very much value the ability to work flexibly in order to assist the firm in achieving its goals. The ‘hybrid working’ culture that has been around since 2020, is something I believe that the firm has positively and successfully embraced.”
Joanne Jones. Associate – Family
“I started my journey back with Chadwick Lawrence when I was studying A-levels at college – a very long time ago!
It was during my time studying that I secured a mentorship placement and ongoing work experience with the firm which later led to a Legal Apprenticeship.
Since the outset, the firm have supported me in many ways throughout my journey and their commitment to developing and nurturing talent is testament to the culture of our firm. What comes from that, is a network of brilliant people who are there to support and guide you through your journey.”
Zoe Allen. Litigation Executive
Favourite Chad Law Moment – supporting and inspiring our next generation of lawyers by overseeing our student engagement initiatives – something which will always be very close to my heart given my own experiences.
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