The Media Hub
In this week’s MMD we review the latest announcement from the HMRC on their money laundering and compliance crackdown. Nils from our regulatory team has prepared a video giving his thoughts on this very important topic.
In the news, we review two tribunal cases, including a matter where a retired solicitor has “snored” during evidence.
Finally, last week was our final seminar on our spring/summer program. Below is a picture from our last event with Ken Hall from Tailored Learning Solutions Ltd on absence in the workplace and mental health issues at work.
The Media Hub
In this weeks’ video, Nils O’Donoghue of our regulatory and crime team discusses the latest announcement from HMRC on their money laundering compliance crackdown.
To watch this video, please click here.
In the News
There have been lots of relevant employment law/HR updates this week.
Finance worker awarded £32,000 after ‘hormonal’ comments
The Claimant, Niccolini worked as head of business development and investor relations and had been good friends with the chief executive of the Company, Serra. Their relationship could be described as “impulsive and volatile” due to the blunt nature in which they spoke to each other. In 2019, Niccolini attended a breakfast meeting with Serra where she received very critical feedback of her work and was told she was being demoted and could either accept the lesser-role or leave the Company. Serra had a reputation for making “wholly inappropriate” comments and, during this conversation, had described women as “frantic and unpredictable” during their periods, and told Niccolini to remain rational as he had seen how she reacted when “overtaken by a hormone tempest.” After the demotion, Niccollini took sick leave from work for work-related stress and anxiety and never returned. Niccolini brought tribunal proceedings which upheld her claims for unfair dismissal, harassment related to sex and victimisation, however dismissed the additional claims for direct and indirect sex discrimination and discrimination arising from disability. She was awarded £27,000 for injury to feelings, plus interest of £5331.95.
Retired solicitor lambasted for ‘snoring’ during evidence
The Claimant had worked as a community support worker before resigning in 2018. Following her resignation, the Claimant brought claims for constructive unfair dismissal, direct race discrimination, harassment and victimisation. At the hearing, the Claimant was represented by Mr G Blakey, who described himself as a “retired solicitor”. The tribunal heard that the Claimant failed to submit a witness statement containing all her evidence and it was left to Blakey to carry out an examination-in-chief. However, during the examination, the judge was forced to point out to Blakey that he was asking leading questions. Later in the trial, during the cross-examination of a witness, Blakey made a snoring sound, “seemingly because he did not like the answer to his question.” The judge commented on this and stated that this was disrespectful to the witness and the tribunal and “frankly the most outrageous conduct.” The Claimant’s claim failed, and she was ordered to pay £20,000 towards the council’s costs.
Focus On – COCO
This week, Adam McKie from our COCO team has prepared an article on the rise of the Enterprise Management Incentive scheme. Please find the article below.
Mental Health Awareness Sessions
In partnership with Mental Health First Aid, we are providing the opportunity to attend one of the mental health training sessions listed below. The sessions are delivered by accredited MHFA England Instructor Members and will help you gain a better understanding of mental health in a range of areas. Please find the relevant information relating to the sessions below and let us know if you wish to attend.
MHFA England Adult Courses
- 27/28th June 2023
- 26/27th September 2023
- 28/29th November 2023
Supporting Mental Health in the Workplace Course – For Managers (Non Accredited Course)
- 29th September 2023
Stress and Resilience Course – Cme Accredited
- 29th June 2023
- 30th November 2023
Supporting Mental Health in the Workplace_
Adult MHFA Two Day only flyer – instructor
Get in touch

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