The Media Hub
In this week’s MMD we wrap up 2023 with the usual updates from the Podcast and the Media Hub.
On the podcast we have a HR FAQ session while Nils provides advice on Textvertising.
Daniel has prepared his video this week on employees’ conduct whilst on sick leave.
Finally, from all the team at the MMD we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and will be back bigger than ever in 2024.
Episode 11 – The Festive Wrap Up – HR FAQs and Textvertising Tactics.
Join Sam and Nils in the final MMD Podcast of 2023 where they deal with some HR FAQs and discuss good practice for text advertising.
Click here for Spotify or scan the QR code below and Click here for Amazon Music to listen to the podcast.
Ask the experts
If you have any questions that you would like answering on the podcast, please email
Mind your malingering
This video explores the conduct of employees outside of work when taking sick leave from their employer. Activities such as working elsewhere or even going on holiday need to be investigated further before an employer can allege or confirm misconduct.
Click here to watch the video.
In the News
There have been lots of relevant employment law/HR updates this week.
Woman made to walk home alone at night wins discrimination claim
The Claimant worked late night shifts at a takeaway shop has successfully sued for discrimination after her male boss ignored her fears and concerns over walking home alone at night. The Claimant stated that she was more vulnerable to being harassed by drunk men or men under the influence of drugs when walking home at night. The Claimant stated that she was at a disadvantage as she felt unsafe which was causing stress and anxiety. When the Claimant expressed her concerns, the owner told the Claimant to ‘get the hell out of my shop’ and the Claimant states that her boss grabbed her by the neck and held her against a wall, demanding to know if she would return to work.
The Tribunal found that more could have been done to meet the Claimant’s needs, such as paying for a taxi or a male member of staff completing the kitchen porter role after the restaurant closed. The Respondent had not explored whether anything could be done to minimise the risk and still run a profitable business. The complaint of indirect sex discrimination therefore succeeded. The case therefore highlights the risks for employers if they do not explore reasonable adjustments that can be made to minimise the risk of a claim with the Employment Tribunal.
The Claimant was awarded £16,465.54 in damages including £10,000 for injury to feelings.
We have lots of exciting events coming up which we would love for you to be a part of.
To register your interest in any event, please email We look forward to seeing you there!
Annual Salary Guide and Workplace Restructures
Networking Breakfast Seminar in conjunction with Hays Recruitment and Wakefield Trinity | Wednesday 24th January 2024
8:30am – 10:00am
East Stand Suite at Wakefield Trinity
| Chadwick Lawrence in conjunction with Hays Recruitment and Wakefield Trinity are pleased to invite you to attend our Networking Breakfast Seminar Event. Taking place at the newly refurbished East Stand Suite at Wakefield Trinity on the morning of 24 January 2024, the seminar will cover Hays Recruitment’s Annual Salary Guide and company restructures. With a selection of breakfast bites and unlimited beverages, we would love for you to join us. |
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