What’s Happening
Our Employment Law Team are continuing with their Spring/Summer 2021 series of BoxHR online webinars delivering a presentation on managing sickness absence here.
If you have any queries about the matters discussed in this video, please email employmenthub@chadlaw.co.uk for help and advice.
In the News
Can I appeal against a decision of the Information Commissioner?
It is now well known both that the Information Commissioner is responsible for enforcement of Data Protection and also that the Information Commissioner is increasingly taking action against businesses who have allegedly not complied with their Data Protection requirements. What is perhaps less well known is whether it is possible to appeal against a decision of the Information Commissioner, or complain about them? The answer to both these above questions is Yes. You can appeal if you are in the unfortunate position whereby the Information Commissioner has taken a decision which you believe is wrong.
Employment Tribunal should have considered “childcare disparity”
An employment tribunal, deciding an indirect sex discrimination claim were mistaken in their failure to take account of the “childcare disparity”, namely that women were less likely to be able to accommodate certain working patterns than men, due to their childcare responsibilities. In Dobson v North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust, the Trust required employees to work flexibly, including weekends. The relationship between this expectation and the childcare disparity was likely to result in women being at a disadvantaged and the tribunal failed to tale judicial notice of this in their original decision.
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