What’s Happening
Have you considered the enforceability of the post-termination restrictive covenants contained in your employees’ contract of employment? In this week’s video Daniel Krigers, the Head of Chadwick Lawrence Employment Law Team, highlights the key considerations for employers here
If you have any queries about the matters discussed in this video, please email employmenthub@chadlaw.co.uk for help and advice.
In the News
Statutory Pay Rates Set to Increase.
From 4 April 2021, the statutory maternity, paternity, adoption and bereavement pay limits shall increase.
Gender Pay Gap Reporting
Employers with a capacity of employees exceeding 250 are usually expected to report their respective gender pay gap by April at the beginning of the new financial year. However, the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has stated that, due to the coronavirus pandemic, enforcement of the gender pay gap reporting duty for the 2020/2021 reporting year is delayed for six months and does not begin until 5 October 2021. Employers are required to report their gap figures as normal, however, have an extra six months in which to do so before enforcement action begins.
Statutory Redundancy Pay Calculations
As of 6 April 2021, the cap on weekly pay for statutory redundancy calculations is set to increase from £538.00 to £544.00.
Get in touch
To get in touch, please email employmentHub@chadlaw.co.uk to see how we can advise you
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