What's Happening - Video/Multimedia
Following the recent announcements in the news of further confirmed strains of COVID-19 being found in the UK – we discuss in this week’s video what employers should do if their staff refuse to attend work – here
Join Us - Webinars
We are pleased to announce a programme of webinars taking place over the first half of 2021.
Wednesday 10 March at 11am – Flexible working and working from home: is this the new normal?
In a joint event hosted by Chadwick Lawrence , TSG and the FD Centre looking at flexible working and how technology can support this.
- Chadwick Lawrence will be presenting on the legal background to flexible working, including working from home. Many employers and employees must adapt quickly as a result of the global pandemic, which involved adapting to home working very quickly.
- Chadwick Lawrence will also look at the rights of employees, and how you as an employer can still maintain a productive workforce despite working from home.
- TSG will also explore how you can make the most of technology to make working from home just as easy as being in the office. They will also suggest additional programmes that you as an employer could make use of within your business to promote the future of home working’.
- The FD Centre will share their experience of going on line and working remotely during the pandemic. Illustrating how their clients were able to continue business as usual and, in some cases, even thrive with the assistance of a Part Time Finance Director, working remotely, ensuring that systems and processes were put in place to enable the Finance Function to work efficiently and effectively.
To book your place on this webinar please email Employmenthub@chadlaw.co.uk. You will then receive the link to the webinar once you have signed up.
Full details of all our upcoming webinars can be found on our website at www.chadwicklawrence.co.uk/seminars/business-services-seminars/
In the News
There have been lots of relevant employment law/HR updates this week. Most still surround COVID-19 but can be found at following links:
Changes to ‘off-payroll’ working rules (IR35) – April 2021 From 6 April 2021, medium or large-sized private sector businesses engaging “off-payroll” workers will be responsible for deciding worker’s employment status. This includes some charities and third sector organisations. If the off-payroll working rules apply, then worker’s fees will be subject to tax and National Insurance contributions for those deemed employees. This change was due to come into effect in April 2020 but was delayed due to COVID-19. Full published guidance can be found here https://www.gov.uk/guidance/april-2020-changes-to-off-payroll-working-for-intermediaries
Chadwick Lawrence’s regulatory team is able to advise your business both on the upcoming changes in this area of law and also conduct the assessments you need to make to determine if IR35 applies to you. Should you require help in this area please contact nilso@chadlaw.co.uk or harveyblake@chadlaw.co.uk |
Brexit & Workers Rights Following the leak of a government memo reported in the Financial Times stating that workers’ statutory rights are due to be rewritten now that the Brexit transition period has expired, the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy confirmed via twitter that this would not mean lowering the standards of workers rights. https://twitter.com/KwasiKwarteng/status/1349832237647327236?s=20 |
Get in touch

To get in touch, please email employmentHub@chadlaw.co.uk to see how we can advise you
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